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Squirrel Hill > Calendar > Local Calendar > 18 Oct 2008
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Group Motion's Spiel Uhr Series
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
The Spiel Uhr series, Group Motion’s forum for presenting local and visiting artists, opens with work by established and emerging Philadelphia artists. October 18 & 19, 2008 at 8 pm at Meetinghouse Theater 3500 Lancaster Avenue Philadelphia, PA. Tickets are $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors. Call 215-387-9895 or www.groupmotion.org for tickets and info.

Hill of Hope Gala
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
The benefit features a cocktail buffet, music and artwork from the residents of the Centre Avenue YMCA. The YMCA will break ground to on a second location in The Hill.

Tickets are $100 per person and can be ordered by calling Laura Lapcevic at 412-227-3824 or by email, llapcevic@ymcapgh,org.

Julie Sokolow, Pairdown, Daryl Fleming & the Private Sector
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Saturday October 18th, 9pm @ Your Inner Vagabond (4130 Butler Street in Lawrenceville):
Julie Sokolow, Pairdown, Daryl Fleming & the Private Sector

Pittsburgh 250 Festival of Lights
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Celebrating our region’s cultural innovation, the Pittsburgh 250 Festival of Lights, October 10 - November 20, 2008, will be the largest light festival of its kind in the United States. The festival will transform building facades in Downtown and Oakland into large-scale works of art in addition to more than 15 places of worship throughout Pittsburgh. Buildings include Katz Plaza and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Downtown and the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland. The festival will include free music events at Katz and Schenley Plazas. All light projections and related events are fee to the public.
For a complete list of light projections, music events, tours and walking maps visit www.pittsburghcelebrates.org

Good Taste! Pittsburgh
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Western Pennsylvania's largest food and cooking Expo featuring Food Network chefs, cooking demonstrations, free wine sampling and sales, local chefs, newest kitchen gadgets, food trends, cooking workshops, food sampling and more!

2008 Carnegie International
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
This exhibition is the most important and prestigious international survey of contemporary art in North America and features paintings, sculptures, photography, works on paper, and film and video works by established and emerging international artists.

Davis Terzich Financial Group, LLC Glow Ball Night Golf Tournament
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
The Davis Terzich Financial Group, LLC will sponsor a Glow Ball Night Golf Tournament on Saturday, October 18, 2008. The event will be held at the Greensburg Country Club in Greensburg, PA.
All proceeds benefite CASA of Westmoreland, Inc.
A 9-hole Scramble Golf Tournament will be played with glow-in-the-dark golf balls and other "light up the night" items!
Registration begins at 6:30 PM and Golfing begins at 7:00 PM
An After Party will be held following the event.
Pre Registration is required. Entry is $50.00 per Golfer and $25.00 per After Party Guest.
Please call The Davis Terzich Financial Group, LLC for more information: (724) 864-8600

Open Climbing at REI
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Whether you are a beginner or an expert climber, the Pinnacle at REI offers a great climbing experience. REI’s experienced, belay-trained staff and state-of-the-art climbing structures will challenge and entertain climbers of all ages.
REI supplies the equipment, and REI members climb free of charge! Not a member, join today for a one time $20 fee.

Off The Wall 2008: Kassys - LIGA,
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Hazlett Theater
8 p.m.
Kassys is a theater-initiative of Liesbeth Gritter and Mette van der Sijs, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and founded in 1999. The company is known for their innovative use of video and how it’s inextricably linked with the live acting to tell their stories.

LIGA starts with the end. A video registration shows how the actors wind up the show which is performed later. The live show follows. We go back in time. In this ‘live flash back’ we observe five characters: young, playful and easy to influence. The human need for attention and conformation makes them susceptible for manipulation. Through seemingly chaotic “directing”,where the naive actors learn ‘to pretend’., Kassys displays the innocent beauty of human success and failure.

Tickets: $20/ $10 Student

“Film and reality coincide with each other; the audience has become performer in the show, that’s why there is no end to the applause for this extraordinary theater show.”
– TheaterCentraal
Presented in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust and the Pittsburgh International Festival of Firsts.

KDKA Zoo Boo For Kids' Sake
Calendar: Local Calendar
18 Oct 2008
Calling all ghosts, goblins, witches, and super heroes to the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium's KDKA ZooBOO for Kids' Sake.

Come and enjoy spooktacular activities like the Haunted House, not-so-spooky Train Ride, costume parade and contest, special animal activities, and of course, trick-or-treating.
Trick-or-treat bags will be provided to all children ages 12 years and under. Bags will be distributed until 3PM.
All activities included with general admission.

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