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Posted By Sciurus [Profile] [Gallery]
Category Stores, Retailers, Shops
Title Nu-Life Cleaners & Shirt Laundry
Description 5613 Hobart Street
(412) 521-2294
Original Filesize 48.8 KB
Original Dimensions 600 x 450
Date Posted 01 Jul 2005 06:10 AM
Number Of Views 20577
Number Of Comments 1
Average Rating 1.00

Image 08 Jul 2008 05:37 PM
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Nu-Life Cleaners & Shirt Laundry

This place should be cited. The conditions in which the owner of this establishment has his employees work is absolutely repugnant. I (or a friend of mine) asked to use the bathroom in order to check this place out (as you can only see the front as a customer) & to put it simply, this place is disgusting! There is mold everywhere, small flea like bugs jumping all over the place (eww! - could they be on my "freshly dry cleaned" clothes as well?) there are holes in the ground, filled with sewage, where anyone can trip and fall into them. There are water leaks in many places, dust an inch high on every surface. It's a wonder that anyone can even breathe in this place & go on living! I wouldn't allow my clothing to be in this place, let alone a human being!! Something needs to be done... And, it's not even like it is in a bad area, this is Squ. Hill for crying out loud! How this place stays in business is a mystery & a downright shame that nothing is done to help the employees that must work here tomake a living. It is ridiculous. I will never again bring my clothing into this place after seeing what I have seen. As for the cleaning quality of Nu Life's services , it is sub par, at best. I have received items back that look as if they have not ben cleaned at all. Although they offer competitive prices, and a very friendly staff, this business is a slum & I am appalled that the city allows this place to operate. My god! I cannot believe I sent my well-earned designer clothing into this place to :::gasp::: BE CLEANED!

Photos of SOME of what I've seen, taken with a cheap camera phone, just to give you an idea - I was going to use these pictures to have them investigated, but I will also use them here, as a consumer warning. Here ya go:

This is the floor in this place!!!

Now, these picturs just give you a slight idea of this mess... to see it & smell it in person is much, much worse. It's insane.

Last edited by Snoopyhead : 08 Jul 2008 at 06:14 PM

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